Industrial Air Heaters
Industrial Air heaters are used in wide variety of industries. Mostly used for heting of shops, warehouses, stock farms etc.
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Industrial Air heaters type NVGT use hot/cold water, steam or thermo oil as their working medium. NVGT air heaters are manufactuerd in 2 versions: with steal heat exchanger or with Al-Cu heat exchanger.

NVGT-E air heaters are electric industrial air heaters meaning that for their operation they do not need any medium such as hot water. This makes them very useful in places where furnace is not available .
NVGT air heater - dimesnional sketch

Mjerna skica NVGT grijača zraka
NVGT | A | B | C | D | E | G | N |
350 | 440 | 350 | 560 | 600 | 122 | 354 | 109 |
420 | 570 | 350 | 560 | 600 | 122 | 488 | 109 |
550 | 740 | 400 | 635 | 700 | 130 | 648 | 114 |
650 | 870 | 400 | 650 | 700 | 130 | 782 | 114 |
ENVGT electric air heater - dimesnional sketch

Mjerna skica ENVGT grijača zraka
ENVGT | A | B | C | D | E | H | N |
350 | 440 | 350 | 560 | 600 | 152 | 50 | 109 |
420 | 570 | 350 | 560 | 600 | 152 | 50 | 109 |
550 | 740 | 400 | 635 | 700 | 160 | 50 | 114 |
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