Cyclone and Multicyclone separators

Cyclone and Multicyclone are used for separation of solid particles from air stream.

Cikloni - separator nečistoća iz struje plina

Cyclone Separators

Cyclones are used for separation of mechanical impurities or of transport solid particles out of air stream. Separation of particles is done on the basics of centrifugal force because of which solid particles (which are heavier) are pushed to the inner surface of cyclone. These particles are then pulled down by gravity while pure air is being extracted on the top of the cyclone.

Cikloni - separator nečistoća iz struje plina

Multicyclone Separators

Cyclones are used for separation of mechanical impurities or of transport solid particles out of air stream. Separation of particles is done on the basics of centrifugal force because of which solid particles (which are heavier) are pushed to the inner surface of cyclone. These particles are then pulled down by gravity while pure air is being extracted on the top of the cyclone.

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